Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Assignment 4

1. Discuss what the main idea of the video is?

2. Do you see yourself as past oriented or future oriented? Why?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker in the video? Explain why? 

4. Do you agree with the speaker's view that young adults' minds are being "digitally rewired"? Explain your answer.

5. Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch?  

1)About how people are past oriented, present oriented and future oriented.It discuses about how people are worried about the future or present and pas, how they live there lives as well.

2)I would say I am a little bit of both because I like to reminisce about he old times and I am also very concerned about my future.I think a lot about my past experiences but I am very aware of my future.

3)I completely agree with the speaker in the video because he makes a lot of outstanding point about the way people are.

4) I agree as well because as young adults we are accustomed to a way of life that has been very different from the past, so i guess you can say that we are very dependent on something and that we are digitally rewired.

5)As young adults we are use to having advanced technology that is made to do multiple things at once so when we are given something that is only made for one thing we become frustrated.

1. Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?

2. What are the benefits of having "web addresses," an idea that Sir Tim Berner's Lee created?

3. How does the World Wide Web allow people from all over the world to communicate?

4. Why is it important to link information? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?

1)He made it free because it is impossible for someone to own it.

2)It can benefit you because it allows you to communicate with people all over the world

3)By internet and web pages.

4)To save time and instantly have the information just by the click of the mouse.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Assignment 2

1. What are the pros and cons of using Google Drive to complete a project like the one you just did for your Technology Presentation.
Google was really cool to use because it allows us to share our presentations with one another.Also a great to work on separate computers while still doing the same work. Aswell as being able to create awesome presentations in a much more simple way.

2. What did you learn about your technology that you didn't know before? Explain.
That Sony has been in production for quite sometime and that the PlayStation was released earlier in other countries. The PS3 was in production for a while before they released and i Also learned what the future has in hold for Sony

3. Create a test question using the information you researched from your project. You must come up with a question and at least 4 responses or answers to choose from.  
Who created the PlayStation 3


4. What does URL stand for?
Uniform research locater

5. What is the URL for Mr. Fierro's Blogger?

6. What is your URL for your Blogger created for Principles of Technology class?

7. Using the notes from the Parts of a Computer System, identify and define the four parts of a complete computer system.
  • Hardward
  • Software
  • Data
  • User
8. Name 3 input devices and 3 output devices. 
Output: Printer, Monitor, Headphones/Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Flash Drive.

9. Write about the most interesting software you have ever used on a computer. Explain why it was your favorite or what you liked about the software you have chosen to write about.
I find it incredible how much storage you can keep in your computer.I chose the PlayStation because I am a gamer and I just love to see how realistic these things can be.

10. Why do you think important technology corporations like Apple, Microsoft, and Sony create new versions of their product often? Think about why every few months to a year a new iPad or iPhone is released... Explain.
So they can continue improving and keep making money.New products keep emerging very often because the creators just keep coming up with new things on how to make their product better.

11. For question 10 you will research on the World Wide Web. What are the units of measure for a computer memory storage? Fill in this table with your answers. Must fill in unit abbreviation, and approximate value. 
Approximate Value (bytes)
 Kilo Byte
1024 in bytes
Mega Byte
1024 in kilo bytes
Giga Byte
1024 in Mega Bytes
1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Assignment 1

1.  Create an acrostic poem using your first name. So what you are going to do is use each letter in your name to create an adjective that describes you or use each letter to write something you like to do.

S. Super
E. Excellent
B. Boss
A .Always watching sports
S. Stubborn
T. Too cool
I. Impressive
N. Nice

 2. What technologies do you use in your everyday life? Describe how and why you use the technologies you do. I often go on Twitter to see what is going on for example current events. I also go on YouTube for entertainment. I like to go on to see what is going on in the sports world.

3. The __System Unit___________ is a case that holds the computer's critical components.

4. A(n) ______Work Station______ is a specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power than a standard PC.

5. A(n) _______Network Server_____ is usually a powerful personal computer that functions as the primary computer in a network.

6. _______Supercomputers________ are the most powerful computers made.

7. What does "PC" stand for?
Personal Computer

8. Research how computers play a crucial part in nearly every government agency. Pick an agency and discuss how that agency uses computers and why computers make their jobs easier. Some examples of government agencies that use technology frequently are the U.S. Census Bureau, IRS, Military, and Police. Police use computer to keep track of inmates, locate where a crime is occurring, and to prevent more crimes from happening.